
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hello Everybody!

 Today we discovered a new way for even more effective dispersion of diatomaceous earth. We attached a can to the bottom of the leaf blower which enabled us to control the dispersion rate as well increased accuracy on targeted areas. The leaf blower uniformly atomizes the DE and it acts like an accurate dust gun. I will make a video of the action when I am able to charge my camera.

 We have found the optimum time for dusting the pumpkin patch is in the evening. Since the pumpkin flowers close late morning the worry about killing pollinating bees is not a factor. And we disperse it to settle on the prolific stink bugs that can kill a pumpkin plant in only a few days. They breed faster than professional mothers ripping off entitlement programs.

 We have beaten the stink bugs back to only a few sections of the field and it is easy to spot the clusters now. Nothing else has been used for control. They seem to drop dead within a day and are quickly consumed by birds and ants. The pumpkin plot is approximately 6000 square feet and so far we have used about 30 dollars worth of DE.

 That is the stink bug update.. please comment and share your thoughts. Please also share this with anyone who may be interested in an organic economical method of insect control. Heck, share with it people who are not interested too. That being said, here are some pics of the gardens and whatnot around MLGardens...  

(feedback is appreciated on the slideshow format)


  1. Please, please post something on the leaf blower and the DE. My husband had this same idea and we just bought 40 lbs of the stuff to put all over our yard. I thought he was crazy to want to use the leaf blower. :) But i just mowed today and want to get it down ASAP before the grass grows again. Thanks!

    1. Hi Christie;

      Thank you for the comment.. You are the first one!!! Hooray!!!

      You can see it in action here.. its really easy.. just pour some out and have at it.. it makes a great fog of DE.. only thing to remember is not to water a couple of days after you use it, so it has a chance to work on the insects. It has to be dry to work.

      Here is the YouTube link..

    2. also, I figured out that if I hold the coffee can right under the leaf blower intake it works better than pouring it on the ground and blowing it around that way.
